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Crofton Anne-Dane

Pupil Premium

The pupil premium is a Government initiative that provides additional funding for the following groups of pupils;

  • Disadvantaged pupils -Free School Meals - This includes all pupils entitled to Free School Meals (FSM) currently. National levels of attainment have been lower for FSM pupils and the purpose of funding is to reduce the gap.
  • Disadvantaged pupils -Free School Meals ‘Ever 6’ - This includes all pupils entitled to Free School Meals (FSM) at any time in the previous 6 years. National levels of attainment have been lower for FSM pupils and the purpose of funding is to reduce the gap.
  • Service Family Pupils – This applies to pupils who have a parent serving in the armed forces currently or in the previous 3 years. The funding is not about deprivation, but about the potential social and emotional needs of service life impacting on pupils’ wellbeing and progress.
  • Children in Care – This applies to children who are ‘looked after’ by the local authority and those who have been adopted.

Our current Pupil Premium allocation is based on the January 2019 PLASC return and current Children in Care.

For further detail on the amount of funding received by our two schools, how we spent last years allocation, our plans for this year's allocation and a measure of the impact of spending please visit the relevant school's policies section.  

Infant Pupil Premium Statement Junior Pupil Premium Statement